Non-coding RNA, chromatin, genome defense and jumping genes

Transposon-taming piRNAs in the germline: Where do they come from?
Chen P, Aravin AA.
Mol Cell. 2021 Oct 7
Chen P, Luo Y, Aravin AA.
PLoS Genet. 2021 Sep 2
Huang X, Hu H, Webster A, Zou F, Du J, Patel DJ, Sachidanandam R, Toth KF, Aravin AA, Li S.
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 1
Chen P, Kotov AA, Godneeva BK, Bazylev SS, Olenina LV, Aravin AA.
Genes Dev. 2021 Jun
Kropocheva E, Kuzmenko A, Aravin AA, Esyunina D, Kulbachinskiy A.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Apr 19
Adashev VE, Kotov AA, Bazylev SS, Shatskikh AS, Aravin AA, Olenina LV.
Front Genet. 2021 Jan 22
Recognition of double-stranded DNA by the Rhodobacter sphaeroides Argonaute protein.
Lisitskaya L, Petushkov I, Esyunina D, Aravin A, Kulbachinskiy A.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Dec 17
DNA targeting and interference by a bacterial Argonaute nuclease.
Kuzmenko A, Oguienko A, Esyunina D, Yudin D, Petrova M, Kudinova A, Maslova O, Ninova M, Ryazansky S, Leach D, Aravin AA, Kulbachinskiy A.
Nature. 2020 Nov
Repression of interrupted and intact rDNA by the SUMO pathway in Drosophila melanogaster.
Luo Y, Fefelova E, Ninova M, Chen YA, Aravin AA.
Elife. 2020 Nov 9
Pachytene piRNAs as beneficial regulators or a defense system gone rogue.
Aravin AA.
Nat Genet. 2020 Jul
Genome-wide DNA sampling by Ago nuclease from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus.
Olina A, Kuzmenko A, Ninova M, Aravin AA, Kulbachinskiy A, Esyunina D.
RNA Biol. 2020 May
Ninova M, Godneeva B, Chen YA, Luo Y, Prakash SJ, Jankovics F, Erdélyi M, Aravin AA, Fejes Tóth K.
Mol Cell. 2020 Feb 6
Su(var)2-10 and the SUMO Pathway Link piRNA-Guided Target Recognition to Chromatin Silencing.
Ninova M, Chen YA, Godneeva B, Rogers AK, Luo Y, Fejes Tóth K, Aravin AA.
Mol Cell. 2020 Feb 6
The control of gene expression and cell identity by H3K9 trimethylation.
Ninova M, Fejes Tóth K, Aravin AA.
Development. 2019 Sep 20
Kuzmenko A, Yudin D, Ryazansky S, Kulbachinskiy A, Aravin AA.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jun 20
Kotov AA, Adashev VE, Godneeva BK, Ninova M, Shatskikh AS, Bazylev SS, Aravin AA, Olenina LV.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Feb 21
The Expanded Universe of Prokaryotic Argonaute Proteins.
Ryazansky S, Kulbachinskiy A, Aravin AA.
MBio. 2018 Dec 18
DNA interference and beyond: structure and functions of prokaryotic Argonaute proteins.
Lisitskaya L, Aravin AA, Kulbachinskiy A.
Nat Commun. 2018 Dec 4
Liu Y, Esyunina D, Olovnikov I, Teplova M, Kulbachinskiy A, Aravin AA, Patel DJ.
Cell Rep. 2018 Jul 10
piRNA Biogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Huang X, Fejes Tóth K, Aravin AA.
Trends Genet. 2017 Nov
Cutoff Suppresses RNA Polymerase II Termination to Ensure Expression of piRNA Precursors.
Chen YA, Stuwe E, Luo Y, Ninova M, Le Thomas A, Rozhavskaya E, Li S, Vempati S, Laver JD, Patel DJ, Smibert CA, Lipshitz HD, Toth KF, Aravin AA.
Mol Cell. 2016 Jul 7
Hur JK, Luo Y, Moon S, Ninova M, Marinov GK, Chung YD, Aravin AA.
Genes Dev. 2016 Apr 1
Webster A, Li S, Hur JK, Wachsmuth M, Bois JS, Perkins EM, Patel DJ, Aravin AA.
Mol Cell. 2015 Aug 20
MIWI2 and MILI Have Differential Effects on piRNA Biogenesis and DNA Methylation.
Manakov SA, Pezic D, Marinov GK, Pastor WA, Sachidanandam R, Aravin AA.
Cell Rep. 2015 Aug 25
Non-Coding RNAs in Transcriptional Regulation: The review for Current Molecular Biology Reports.
Chen YA, Aravin AA.
Curr Mol Biol Rep. 2015 Mar 1
Marinov GK, Wang J, Handler D, Wold BJ, Weng Z, Hannon GJ, Aravin AA, Zamore PD, Brennecke J, Toth KF.
Dev Cell. 2015 Mar 23
A transgenerational process defines piRNA biogenesis in Drosophila virilis.
Le Thomas A, Marinov GK, Aravin AA.
Cell Rep. 2014 Sep 25
Le Thomas A, Stuwe E, Li S, Du J, Marinov G, Rozhkov N, Chen YC, Luo Y, Sachidanandam R, Toth KF, Patel D, Aravin AA.
Genes Dev. 2014 Aug 1
Two waves of de novo methylation during mouse germ cell development.
Molaro A, Falciatori I, Hodges E, Aravin AA, Marran K, Rafii S, McCombie WR, Smith AD, Hannon GJ.
Genes Dev. 2014 Jul 15
piRNA pathway targets active LINE1 elements to establish the repressive H3K9me3 mark in germ cells.
Pezic D, Manakov SA, Sachidanandam R, Aravin AA.
Genes Dev. 2014 Jul 1
Prokaryotic Argonautes defend genomes against invasive DNA.
Hur JK, Olovnikov I, Aravin AA.
Trends Biochem Sci. 2014 Jun
Small but sturdy: small RNAs in cellular memory and epigenetics.
Stuwe E, Tóth KF, Aravin AA.
Genes Dev. 2014 Mar 1
To be or not to be a piRNA: genomic origin and processing of piRNAs.
Le Thomas A, Tóth KF, Aravin AA.
Genome Biol. 2014 Jan 27
A framework for piRNA cluster manipulation.
Olovnikov I, Le Thomas A, Aravin AA.
Methods Mol Biol. 2014
Bacterial argonaute samples the transcriptome to identify foreign DNA.
Olovnikov I, Chan K, Sachidanandam R, Newman DK, Aravin AA.
Mol Cell. 2013 Sep 12
Le Thomas A, Rogers AK, Webster A, Marinov GK, Liao SE, Perkins EM, Hur JK, Aravin AA, Tóth KF.
Genes Dev. 2013 Feb 15
Preparation of small RNA libraries for high-throughput sequencing.
Malone C, Brennecke J, Czech B, Aravin A, Hannon GJ.
Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2012 Oct 1
Small RNA in the nucleus: the RNA-chromatin ping-pong.
Olovnikov I, Aravin AA, Fejes Toth K.
Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2012 Apr
Production of artificial piRNAs in flies and mice.
Muerdter F, Olovnikov I, Molaro A, Rozhkov NV, Czech B, Gordon A, Hannon GJ, Aravin AA.
RNA. 2012 Jan
PIWI-interacting small RNAs: the vanguard of genome defence.
Siomi MC, Sato K, Pezic D, Aravin AA.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2011 Apr
Small RNA-based silencing strategies for transposons in the process of invading Drosophila species.
Rozhkov NV, Aravin AA, Zelentsova ES, Schostak NG, Sachidanandam R, McCombie WR, Hannon GJ, Evgen'ev MB.
RNA. 2010 Aug